
Are you interested in helping out with developing the system? Awesome! We’re always pining for new developers. Developers of all sizes. Perhaps you know a little bit Python? Or you’re familiar with C++? Perhaps you’re an excellent artist, or a talented 3d sculptor. Might be you’re a composer, or a sound technician. You might be good at web design.

And so on. The point is: whatever you can do, we welcome your contribution.

Everything we do is 100% Free Software. All of our code is available, as is all of our assets.

Getting involved with the community

If you want to get involved with the project you absolutely have join the chat on Gitter. Most of the day-to-day communication happens through the Gitter channel, and that also where you most easily can get in contact with other developers. This site also has a helpful “Open Chat” feature to the right.

In general you should look through how you can interact with the community.

Diving into the code

If you’re a coder and want to help out with coding you should start by getting all code set up by cloning and building the code. We provide all of the code needed both for server and client in a monorepo.

Once that’s done you probably want to look closer at how everything fits together. You will want to look closer at the various components. Look through the code at Github. See if there are any tasks or bugs registered in the Launchpad. And of course hang out with us on IRC and the mailing list.

Follow these quick steps to get started.

  1. Join the Gitter chat.
  2. Build both Ember and Cyphesis locally.
  3. Look for tasks on the Launchpad.

Working with media assets

If you’re an artists who want to contribute to the project you’ll find that there are a nigh endless amount of things that needs to be created. We are somewhat unique in that we provide a very large media repository with a very permissive license. It’s huge, and we aim to make it even larger. The creation of media assets is a huge field, so head over to the media section.

Follow these quick steps to get started

  1. Join the Gitter chat.
  2. Install Ember.
  3. Look for tasks on the Launchpad.